Thursday, February 2, 2023

the value i hold


TOPIC: The values I hold.


GENERAL PURPOSE: To demonstrate and to inform about my family and close friend how they are important to me in part of my life.

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inform the class about my values and who shape me become the real me today.

THESIS STATEMENT The persons who shaped my values and taught me to be persistent in life trails are my mom, my supervisor.




ATTENTION GETTER: Hi everyone today I am going to talk about the First person who shaped my values is my mother. She is ordinary woman, but she is my superhero. I have learned almost everything from her.

PURPOSE: My mom is strong and quiet never make a compliant however she has been struggling and worked very hard for the family that I had learned good sample from my mom. My mom taught me how to behave well and should have good moral characters when dealing with people in the society. When I was young, I was furious and impatient towards other people my mom always corrects me to be kind and patient on other peoples.

THESIS: One reason I really inspire my mom because she is the most optimistic person in my life. She taught me how to keep positive view, to avoid negative view judge on others. She reminds me to have positive manner, positive motivation leads to positive life.




I)      Main Point I: My mom taught me how to behave well and should have good moral characters when dealing with people in the society.

1)     Sub point: When I was young, I was furious and impatient towards other peoples, my mom always corrects me to be kind and patient on other peoples.

i)      Sub sub point: She taught me how to keep positive view, to avoid negative view judge on others. She corrects me to have positive manner and positive attitude, she always reminds me positive motivation leads to positive life.

ii)    My mom is strong and quiet never make a compliant however she has been struggling and worked very hard for the family that I had learned good sample from my mom.


Transition: (One reason I really inspire my mom because she is the most optimistic person in my life. Now that I just talked about _mom__ and I will be going to talk about my supervisor.


II)   Main Point II: Second person who shaped my values is my supervisor penny. She is kind and patient. She always cares and protect all the workers.

A)   Sub point: she is very dedicated and strict related with work. I have learned good habit and character from her.

1)     Sub sub point: when I started working at psychiatric welfare facility as entry level staff. I always forget to complete the task. whenever I do my work assignment, she taught me how to do checklist and check out to accomplish my task.

a)     She helps to improve quality of work and taught how to take part in good team player She educate the staff and help the staff to achieve the career goals.

i)      Transition: (She is a great leader. I inspired her a lot because she supported the team, give excellent motivation to achieve our career goals.

 Now that I just talked about supervisor penny, now I will talk about my friend Veronica. She is my first friend I had met her in this country. She helps me to find the job when I got to the United States

III)Main Point III: she is kind and willing to helps peoples Veronica is the one who shaped my values.

1)     Sub point: She likes to help people. Her good moral character and good sample I had learned from her.

a)     Sub sub point: My weak point is that I am introvert person, I am not confidents enough to talk to people. she always teach me how to socialize with people.


a)     When I start working my English wasn’t very good. She taught me how to speak English and always correct me how to speak appropriate sentences.

i)      She is a great friend. I inspired her a lot she is supported friend and willing to help people. I will cultivate good sample liked her to help people and be a supportive friend.





The three people who shaped my values are my mom, my supervisor, and my friend. Because of these three people I am here today without their support I will not be able to become who I am today. I am very lucky to have these people in my life.



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